R-WALL is a new revolutionary way to build. Designed to improve on the "older forms" Insulated Concrete Forms providing fast, un complicated and unrestrictive design and construction, as well as stronger better performing formwork. The resulting homes out perform other forms of construction such as timber frame and standard construction. R-WALL is future proofed to meet and exceed all areas of Building Regulation compliance, producing high performance homes, with zero cold bridging, outstanding strength, performance and longevity. Building has to change to meet new ever increasing regulations, now's the time to be part of the future!
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Design without restriction. Straight walls, curved walls, any angle of corner, change core sizes as required, alter insulation thicknesses internally and externally to achieve desired U-Values or aesthetic appearance. Easily achieve building regs compliance with zero cold bridging, U-Values as low as 0.1 and super airtightness characteristics.
A quick build system that can be built in all weathers reducing construction delays! No requirement for heavy lifting equipment, improved health and safety on site and homes which out perform other build methods with little to no after care requirements. Easily meet building regulation compliance.
A light weight build system which is versatile and easy to use. Onsite fully comprehensive training and support. Meet build schedules regardless of weather, be less reliant upon skilled labour.