R-WALL Performance
R-Board Technical Details
Please note it is possible to use any combination of the above board thicknesses. For example 100mm outer, 75mm inner making maximum use of Thermal Mass.
R-WALL Achievable U-Values
R-WALL is the market leading ICF system for U-Values to Wall widths. Our 309mm wall can achieve a U-Value of 0.18
Life Expectancy
R-WALL has an exceptional life expectancy of approximately 100 years under optimum conditions. Concrete gets harder with time! We are certified by the BBA to have a longevity of 60 years +.
The compressive strength of R-WALLs board is 300Kpa, this exceptional performance gives us better performing formwork onsite and during concrete pour. Many EPS ICF systems will only have a 100kpa compressive strength, that makes us 3 times stronger!
Building with R-WALL can be 10 x stronger than other build methods. For example if R-WALL is poured using C35 (35 Newtons in strength) concrete, this is 10 x stronger than a 3.5 Newton block used in standard construction and without the construction joints!
Fire Rating
R-WALLs R-Board contains a fire retardant and classified as Euro Class E. Because of the solid concrete core the system is able to achieve the maximum classification of a 4 hour burn rating (subject to conditions)
Sound Attenuation​
ICF is capable of achieving STC ratings of 50+. Please note this is an estimation only . Sound attenuation is dependant on design and construction techniques for example thickness of the concrete core, thickness of the insulation, number of openings in the wall, floor/roof installation techniques, fill efficiency of concrete etc. R-Wall will not be held liable for any issues arising with sound attenuation levels.
Wind Speeds​
Due to the strength of the monolithic concrete superstructure, ICF structures have been known to withstand windspeeds of up to 250mph!​
Lightweight build system and no need for specialist equipment
A super light weight build system which improves onsite Health and Safety. This lightweight nature means it can be safely carried by hand to even the most difficult of sites!
No requirement for heavy lifting equipment and modifications can be made using simple hand tools such as hand saws, multi tools etc.
Can be built in all weathers - less build delays!
R-WALL is unaffected by wet conditions and can be constructed in all weathers resulting in far less build delays!
Airtightness, Zero Cold Bridging and a Healthier Home
The continuous insulation required to contain concrete during pour, ensures a complete and uniform layer of insulation. This envelope forms an airtight construction, preventing the mixing of cold and warm airs known as "cold bridging". This "cold bridging" creates condensation and mould growths. Therefore building R-WALL helps to create a healthier living environment. R-Wall has achieved airtightness tests as low as 0.6.
Advantages of Thermal Mass
The insulated panels and solid mass of R-WALL stores and releases heat which creates a self regulating environment. This reduces internal temperature fluctuations, reducing energy consumption, resulting in greater cost savings and a more comfortable living environment. In calculating U-Values there is no consideration of Thermal Mass, the addition of which makes a home much more energy efficient.
Unsusceptible to Rot and Infestation
Unlike Timber construction R-WALL is unsusceptible to Rot and infestation.